Find your new second home at Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis and Squash Club

Below are the new rates for the year commencing 1 April 2025. New members joining during March will pay the full annual fee payable from 1 April, so will get the remainder of March free.


We offer a variety of memberships to suit all sorts of people and backgrounds, so have a look and find what’s right for you.

Apply for membership

To apply for membership, fill out the online form and pay using the link below, but first please read the following information:

Our membership year ends on 31 March each year. Pro-rata membership fees are available for new members only from 1 June each year, with rates calculated from the first day of each month. Pro-rata rates are not available for anyone who was a member in the previous year, or for Junior, Cricket-only, Country or Social memberships.

When you apply, you will be asked to opt to join one section only (Cricket, Tennis, Squash, or Social).  Membership allows access to all sporting activities as well as the clubhouse on a social basis; except for Social membership, which provides access to the clubhouse on a social basis only; and Cricket-only membership, which provides access for cricket and to the clubhouse on a social basis. Your section membership entitles you to attend that sections meetings, vote for sectional committee members, etc.


By applying for membership you agree to be bound by the club constitution and rules which can be found at:

You acknowledge that the club insurance policy does not include personal injury cover, and that Club members are advised to obtain their own personal injury insurance. 

Acceptance of membership is subject to ratification by the Management Committee.

Your personal data will be processed by the Club for the purposes of club and membership administration and to facilitate your participation in competitions, matches etc. Further details are available in our privacy policy which can be found at:

Access Cards

Access cards are available for members to allow them to open the car park barrier and to gain access to the clubhouse when the bar is not open. If you require an access card, log into the membership system and note your PIN. Come to the club when the bar is open and ask for an access card. Your PIN is required to activate your new card at the console in the bar.

If you lose your card, a replacement card charge of £10 will be made.

Family Membership

If applying for family membership, please fill in the form on behalf of the first family member, and then email your section membership secretary (contact details are under ‘Any Questions’ below) with the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of the other family members, plus date of birth for juniors.

Once on the above page, please click the link that says 'Join Walthamstow Cricket Tennis and Squash Club' just underneath the Member Login panel.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about membership at all, just get in touch with the section you’re looking to join and we’ll get back to you!


Full membership

£324 / year

Join the club as a full member and gain access to all of our facilities: play cricket, tennis and squash and enjoy the bar and grounds around the club.

Family membership

£540 / year

Join the club along with your partner and children (all living at the same address) and enjoy the features of our full membership for all of you at a fraction of the price.

Cricket-only membership

£205 / year

Unlike racquet sports, the cricket season obviously doesn’t run all year round, so we offer a lower rate for players only interested in playing cricket. (There is NO ‘squash only’ or ‘tennis only’ membership)

Women’s cricket-only membership

£50 / year

Women can join our cricket section at this lower rate.

Young adult
membership (19-25 years)

£168 / year

Those of you lucky enough to be under 26 can enjoy all of the perks of a full membership at a significant discount.


£96 / year

All the benefits of membership with a discount rate for FULL TIME students.

Junior membership
(18 years and under)

£25 / year

To get young people interested in cricket and racket sports, we offer a fantastic rate for youth players.

Senior membership
(Over 66 years)

£312 / year

Over 66s are able to join the club with all the privileges of a full member, but at a lower rate.

Social membership

£50 / year

For those of you looking just to enjoy the bar and grounds at the club, we offer a social membership.

Country membership

£162 / year

Country membership is available for members who have moved away from the area. To be eligible for this you must have been a club member for at least 5 years and live at least 25 miles away from the club